emulators > Atari - 2600 Emulators
Home > CLAS > BIO > TGLE > Vol. 19 > Number 3 - Fall 1986 (1986)
Runs on: Mac OS X 10.1 or later Sharpshooter's Miniature Golf v.4.285 Sharpshooter's Miniature Golf is 3D miniature golf fully realized for up to 4 players, and the game includes pinball bumpers, conveyor belts, warp zones, water and sand hazards, oscillating blocks, tilted slopes, and railings that all react. Stella is another popular Atari 2600 emulator, which is also the most portable, with ports to Unix, Linux, MAC OS and OS/2. It rivals PC Atari in emulation. This emulator is.
Grab a USB stick with 16GB capacity or an external hard drive or SSD and plug it in to your Mac. Launch Disk Utilities and Erase the Drive or USB stick, formatting it as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and selecting GUID partition map if a selection is available. The easiest way to create a bootable installer is to use DiskMaker X.
38 Games Like PITFALL for Mac. The player must maneuver a character (Pitfall Harry) through a maze-like jungle in an attempt to recover 32 treasures in a 20-minute time period. Along the way, he must negotiate numerous hazards, including pits, quicksand, rolling logs. Current Firmware. OEM1/NPM-1/DALI SoundHub – 3.14.5 firmware (.zip) – April 14, 2021; Monitor Audio IMS-4-3.14.5 firmware (.zip) – April 14, 2021.
Article Title
Document Type
Peer-Review Article
Pitfall traps were installed in alfalfa fields to monitor the seasonality and abundance of immature ground beetles. Head capsule widths were determined by instar for Evarthrus sodalis, Harpalus pennsylvanicus, Chlaenius tricolor, Scarites subterraneus, Amara cupreolata, and A. impuncticollis. Seasonality of larval and adult catches indicated that E. sodalis, H. pennsylvanicus and A. impuncticollis overwinter in a larval diapause while A. cupreolata and S. subterraneus overwinter in the adult stage.
Recommended Citation
Barney, R J. and Pass, B. C. 1986. 'Pitfall Trap Collections of Ground Beetle Larvae (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Kentucky Alfalfa Fields,' The Great Lakes Entomologist, vol 19 (3)
Available at: https://scholar.valpo.edu/tgle/vol19/iss3/2
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